Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores uses the TatuBaby name as her official tattoo artist name. Born in Colombia, she was American-born on the 28th of October in 1997. Discover more information about Tatu's Networth and her full biography. Tatu is an American TV host and tattooist. Ink Master is a reality show on television where tattoo artists battle in actual scenarios. Ink Master appeared in 2012. The show's fourth place finisher was season 2 of Ink Master. Tatu was third on In the Ink Master finale for season 3. Tatu was the principal character on the initial two seasons of the Cartel Crew reality show in 2019 based on people s lives who have connections with drug cartels. Tatu Baby is an American tattoo artist who has been professionally tattooing from the age 19. At a convention for tattoo competitions, she was awarded with the Best Of Day Trophy. Tatu's Baby Tattoos are renowned for their authentic black and gray tattoo designs. She loves how the body can become an art piece to express oneself. Tatu Baby was disqualified from the Ink Master Season 2 tattoo contest after finishing fourth. Tatu Baby started tattooing at the age of 14 years old. She got herself tattooed at the time before turning 19 and becoming an all-time professional tattoo artist. Tatu Babe (aka. Katherine Kat Flores born in Colombia on October 28th 1987, but raised by Miami Florida. She was born in Colombia to Colombians. She was born to Colombian parents. Her father was killed in a gang rival to his when she was only four years old. After the murder of her father Her mother was determined to get out of the drug trade. Tatu and Tatu later moved along with her mother into Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. When she was studying animation, she was kicked out of school. At the age of 14, Tatu Baby began showing an interest in tattoos. When she was 19, she was a full-time tattoo professional. Tatu Baby is a sister known as Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges- is an actress from Spanish descent. When she was at high school, Berges began acting as a part-time hobby. Because of the rural environment it was difficult for her to see herself as a profession. The personal traits of Astrid were key for her to be able to play the roles that she later received. The two-toned iris is a blessing of her (due to a condition known as sectoral heterochromia). She was a natural for Sofi's part in I Origins 2014 due to her supple bones and accent. The elegant actress says "I begin from scratch every time, never repeating my mistakes." That, she says, causes her to be anxious at times, but it can make her very happy thinking that she is improving with each project. Astrid is adamant in her characters. Astrid is keenly aware of how the characters talk, move and perform. Astrid speaks five languages fluently She speaks five languages fluently - Catalan Spanish Italian French and English.

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